Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Read These 3 Tips Before You Walk to Lose Weight

By Thong M. Dao

Do you feel like you're on an endless weight loss cycle? Losing weight, gaining weight back, losing again, a continuous up and down scale. Many folks share the same problem.

Break that cycle and grab a hold of the rope of discipline. Stay away form junk food and keep on your workout program. That's right. The weight fluctuation is our fault.

People think when they've reached their desired weight, it's OK for them to have cookies today or to lay on the couch this evening instead of going for a walk. Sorry to tell you, Mr. Ugly Weight is coming back.

I don't say that you must go to the gym. Some walking will do just fine. Here are 3 tips to get you started.

1. See your doctor: Your doctor may have suggestions for you regarding walking to lose weight.

Your doctor will be able to structure a regular walking schedule for you based on your current health situation. He might also recommend some other activities besides walking.

2. Track your steps: Walking for weight loss requires you to know exactly how much it takes (i.e. how many steps a day). It's impossible to know if you walk one mile today and a half tomorrow. The best way to find out is to purchase a pedometer.

They are not very expensive and you can find one at most local stores. Pedometers will help us count our steps. This way we know how many steps are needed everyday to lose fat effectively.

Just remain committed to your "losing weight by walking" schedule and see how better you feel!

3. Put on the right clothes: walking to lose weight would be pretty uncomfortable without proper clothing. Loose-fitting clothes will allow air to move through easily. Avoid tight and heavy clothes.

Also be sure to put on athlete shoes that make our feet comfortable. If we wear the wrong shoes we will soon get bored of walking. Even worse, we could end up with muscle injuries. - 17268

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