Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rock Hard Abs - Muscle & Fat Loss

By Jose Loni

You want less fat? Put on more muscle and the results will be rock hard abs! Everywhere we look, there is always a new ab machine or new exercise promising fantastic results of rock hard abs. Let's keep it simple, put on more muscle, have less fat, get rock hard abs.

Those machines and exercises we see on TV, give you the impression that by training the abs directly, you can spot reduce and have rock hard abs. They give the illusion that you will look like the heavily muscled or the super trim model that they have demonstrating the machine or exercise.

In reality, we will not look like fitness models in just a few weeks of using the product.

Let's keep it simple. Increase muscles to increase your overall metabolism, which will in turn burn body fat.

When we train to build more muscles, we force our muscles to work at a harder intensity. The increased intensity causes increased metabolic activity within the muscles. With increased metabolic activity, the body must work even harder to provide energy to the muscles, which are working very hard to keep up with the intense exercise activity.

The body will go and look for sources of energy to supply the muscles. The body will consume the food we eat and use that first. Then when more energy is required, the body will take the stored body fat and convert that into fuel for the muscles to use.

During training, the muscles are worked so hard that they function in a lowered oxygen state. The moment the body has a chance to bring oxygen to the muscles; it forces the muscles to increase its activity by nourishing and repairing the muscles as well as removing the accumulated waste products in the muscles.

This increased activity of the muscles will burn more energy, and at the same time cause the body to look for more sources to fuel the muscle activity. When this happens, the body ends up burning more fat throughout the day and continues this activity even after exercising.

After a few sessions of training, the body's muscle mass increases and as a result the muscle metabolic activity also increases relative to the overall muscle increase.

When we build muscle, we are really building a fat burning machine in our body that will burn fat, increase fat loss and get us those rock hard abs that we want. - 17268

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