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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Discover the Secrets Powers of Phosphatide and how it can sharpen your focus

By Reese James

There is quite a lot of Phosphatide present in people's brain in the form of chemical or lipid. Around 30% of Phosphatide or phospholipids are present in the brain of a human. Approximately 1/5th of the nerves found in the body of humans are made up of phospholipids or Phosphatide.

In comparison with other lipids, phospholipids in the brain are more active. They aid in alleviating brain fatigue and are also believed to boost memory power while at the same time providing important nutrients to the brain.

Phosphatide is also accountable for the merger of most important memory neurotransmitter of human brain, acetylcholine. When there is reduction in the levels of acetylcholine, individual losses his/her concentration power and the capability of absorbing new information and there is reduction of memory retention too. Once the brain is given assistance to retain and increase the acetylcholine levels, its capacity of memory retention and concentration automatically increases. As the acetylcholine level is increased, it starts its action, leading to better concentration and increased memory power.

Sustain Phosphatide levels

To sustain Phosphatide levels you can make use of Nan Lecithin Granules. They are oil-free, hereditarily non-modified granules, which are made from unadulterated soybeans. It has no artificial color, flavor or any other preservative.

Soybeans are considered as being rich in Phosphatide. They have a very good taste and so there is no problem in consumption. The Nan Granules are light and get digested easily. One can have it with a combination of cereals, salads and many such food items.

Phosphatides action to reduce brain fatigue and boost Memory power:

The first vital function of Phosphatide is in lowering brain fatigue and pushing up the amount of things we can learn. Phosphatide is easily available in nature and it lends a big rush of energy. Also, when there are proper levels of Phosphatide in the brain, then we also tend to remember things better, our memory power goes up and we also become very focused with extreme clarity of mind.

If we cannot remember things properly, then brain fatigue will take place. So, it becomes very important to make sure that Phosphatide levels are always at a high in the brain.

With good amounts of Phosphatide in the brain, memory becomes better because Phosphatide is there in proper amounts in all the cells. All the important parts of our body have significant amounts of Phosphatide. There's about 20% of Phosphatide in the nerves and 30% in the brain.

Phosphatide helps in the fusion of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine, leading to decreased fatigue and stress in the brain and improvement in the functionality of human brain. Neurotransmitters communicate with human body cells with the help of Phosphatide. The main functions of Phosphatide are carried out by phospholipids. It helps in maintaining the acetylcholine levels in ones brain. The phospholipid present in the Phosphatide is called as Lecithin. It is accountable in keeping a check on the stress levels of brain, fatigue and extra work of the brain that cause disruption in the functioning of neurotransmitters.


Hence, we can conclude that it is the phospholipids present in Phosphatide that are there in our brains help in managing the proper working of the brain. These alleviate brain fatigue considerably and boost memory which in turn helps the individual to focus better and have longer attentions spans. - 17268

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