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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Acai Berry Juice and its Many Uses

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berry juice has so many healthy uses that can greatly benefit your body. Acai is purplish in color and is very nutritional and because of this there has been a lot of talk about it in the food industry. Acai berry is transported as dried berries to hold onto its nutrients. This is the biggest obstacle Acai faces...transportation.

Acai berry juice does not have to be used strictly by itself. It is perfect addition for a variety of different foods. The taste has been likened by some to be that of a chocolate and berry mix so some experimentation on non-desert use may be required. It does make a good addition to salad dressings for a variety of different types of salads, especially fruit salads or it can be used as a sauce to go over other types of fruit based deserts.

Any food that is fruit based will taste even better with acai berry. It is great as a sauce, marinade, and makes for an excellent tasting glaze.

Some people have even started adding acai berry to their water. They do this because it has great flavor without sugar. Nightclubs and bars around have began experimenting with its flavor too and it has made its way into many mixed drinks.

For those that like flavored coffee here is a great way to not only get an energy kick times two but get all the nutritional value of Acai berry juice. These are some of the best ways to get the nutritional value that comes from the Acai.

Acai berry contains many nutrients such as vitamins B, beta carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. They help any many ways including improving your metabolism, energy, helps with stress, and fights off free radicals.

Free radicals have been linked to some cancers and the Acai has one of the highest rankings when it comes to antioxidant content and the ability to prevent free radical activity within the body. This can also help you to look younger, feel younger and remove toxins from the body. - 17268

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