Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Discover The 5 Weight Loss Rules For The Resistant Dieter

By Judith Cox

I remember reading once that "all diets work" and all diets will help you to "lose" weight. The difficulty is that rather than maintain the weight loss we various diets and many different methods to lose weight. I would rigorously follow the diet program and the scale would not move. Not a pound dropped off. Some women's bodies are completely resistant to weight loss.

It is a biological thing for women. Men are always able to lose weight and gain muscle easier and faster than women because women are biologically designed to hold onto the fat. In the scarce event of a famine our bodies are designed not only to keep us alive but also to keep any offspring that we may be carrying alive. Biologically it is just more difficult for women to lose weight.

But over the years I have learned quite a bit about what works to lose weight and what doesn't work. Here are the top five rules that I have come up with.

The first rule is fairly simple, "Eat". Yes, eat at least three and even as many as 6 small meals every day. One reason is that it keeps you from becoming over hungry, which stops you from gorging and another reason is that it keeps your metabolism going strong. Your body will begin to save fat if it believes it's starving so the first rule is to Eat.

The second is to only eat quality food. That means nutritionally dense food that will be an advantage to your body. Eating food that is deficient in nutritional value is a guaranteed way to pack on the pounds. Also many cravings are actually caused by a nutritional deficit so stay away from any food that does not provide decent nutrition.

The third rule is to add protein with each meal. Protein is digested slower than carbohydrates and it will not create a sugar spike in your bloodstream. Eating protein will keep you fuller longer and you will end up consuming less later on.

The fourth rule is to pick your carbohydrates wisely. Simple carbohydrates like sweets, candy and really anything made out of white flour will just spike your blood sugar, make you hungry and add to your fat deposits. Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains and vegetables. These will give you fiber, which will also keep you fuller and will keep your digestive system functioning at its highest levels.

Fifth is to start an exercise program. Start moving. Take the stairs. Take a walk. Move more. You can start slow and work your way up but exercise is crucial for long-term weight loss success.

Long- term weight loss has to be a lifestyle change. Few people who have had weight challenges in the past are able to just lose it once and be done with it forever. It is an everyday, lifetime commitment. But if you adhere to these rules most of the time you will be on your way to permanent and healthy weight loss. - 17268

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