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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Unique Benefits of Ecklonia Cava Extract

By Mason Ballenger

ECE, or Ecklonia Cava Extract, comes from the brown algae known as Ecklonia cava. This algae lives in large colonies in the ocean, and ECE is a standardized extract of molecules derived from this water-based plant. Ecklonia Cava Extract contains phlorotannins, a unique type of polyphenols different from those found in land-based plants. Phlorotannins are thought to promote unique biological benefits within the body.

Many scientists believe that Ecklonia Cava Extract is a unique type of antioxidant. They estimate that ECE is stronger than green tea extract by a factor of 10 to 100 times. It is also 40% fat soluble, which lets its effects be spread throughout more of the body than other antioxidants. It also stays in the blood significantly longer than other antioxidant compounds - up to twelve hours, by some estimates. The ORAC value, or antioxidant score, of ECE is also very high: 8300 mol TE/100g.

Ecklonia Cava Extract is known as a superantioxidant. Its polyphenols have up to eight interconnecting rings, compared to the four rings of green tea catechins. This contributes to its powerful free-radical scavenging ability. Also, it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Ecklonia Cava Extract has demonstrated powerful activity against two suspected enemies to human health: peroxynitrite and oxidized LDL cholesterol. Peroxynitrite is a dangerous free radical that has been implicated in multiple chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many other conditions. Oxidized LDL cholesterol particles have been linked to conditions such as metabolic syndrome. It is also believed that Ecklonia Cava Extract contains powerful inflammatory mediators.

In a study done on a group of established fibromyalgia patients, Ecklonia Cava Extract showed great promise. This 8-week double-blind placebo-controlled study showed that participants fell asleep faster, and their overall sleep time was increased. They also reported greater energy levels, improved soundness of sleep, more good days per week, improvement in general condition, and a reduction in pain.

ECE has been shown to be beneficial in fighting obesity, promoting weight loss, and providing cardiovascular benefits. Ecklonia Cava Extract contains heart-healthy compounds that scavenge free radicals in the bloodstream and promote healthy cholesterol levels. Its weight loss benefits have also been studied in rats and humans. Laboratory rats given ECE showed greater physical activity and decreased body fat. Young adults given a drink containing Ecklonia Cava Extract showed decreased body fat and increased muscle mass.

Improvements in brain function have also been demonstrated with subjects given Ecklonia Cava Extract - notably, memory, relaxation, and alertness. It has been shown to increase blood flow in the carotid artery, increase alpha waves in the brain, and prevent sleepiness during daytime activities. Ecklonia Cava Extract has been shown to protect neural cells and enhance brain activity in regions related to memory formation. In a rat study, Ecklonia Cava Extract inhibited beta-amyloid formation in the brain, a substance which accumulates in Alzheimer's disease.

ECE is certainly a unique substance and warrants further study. There may be even greater benefits that we are not currently aware of. Ongoing studies indicate that ECE may help treat a variety of conditions, including arthritis, inflammation, allergies, asthma, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. - 17268

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