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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is Green Tea as Effective as Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Both green tea and wu yi tea are very good for the body. They each contain vitamins and nutrients that help to protect the body from harmful free radicals and help improve your cholesterol. Both tea products come from the same source but the difference is where and how they harvested.

Nevertheless, these natural substances come in different concentrations in green tea and wu yi tea. The main reason for this is the different fermentation processes that these tealeaves undergo. Green tea is dried and packaged without fermentation. Wu yi tea, on the other hand, is semi-fermented. This means that wu yi undergoes a certain level of fermentation under the sun that of course affects its flavor, aroma and texture, and the concentration of substances in it as well.

Wu yi and green tea contain substances that naturally aid our bodies such as: polyphenols, cathecin, and tea flavin and tearubigin. These can be categorized as tannin. This is where the differences begin.

Caffeine, also called theine when found in tea, concentration in both green and wu yi tea are the same. In some recent studies, caffeine has turned from being a harmful substance to a beneficial one. Researchers are still ongoing but preliminary data show that caffeine may reduce the risk of suffering from Parkinson's disease, type-2 diabetes, and colon cancer.

Wu yi tea differs slightly in the tannin sub group classification. Wu yi tea has less amounts of cathecin than green tea. Cathechin plays a role in reducing the risk of diabetes, heart failure, and stroke. It is also very important in delaying the aging process.

Wu yi tea contains a much higher level of tearubugin and teaflavin. Thease are important to prevent dementia and memory loss as well as lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Lastly, tannin polyphenols are significantly in higher levels of concentration in wu yi than in green tea. Polyphenols are known to reduce the risks of cancer, diabetes mellitus, degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and others. It is a powerful form of anti-oxidant thus helps reduce cholesterol in the body, together with other toxic compounds that may be harmful to our health. - 17268

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