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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Massage Chairs Provide Relief For Sufferers of Fibromyalgia and Polymyalgia

By Steve Esquire

Have you ever had stiffness in the joints? Perhaps your muscles felt tight and stiff? Maybe you felt that way for a number of days? Imagine if you had this situation every day. Those with fibromyalgia or polymyalgia have these symptoms every day. Although these symptoms seem similar, one is related to the joints whereas the other is related to the ligaments and tendons. There is no cure for either situation. Many sufferers with these conditions have turned to massage chairs to help relieve some of the symptoms.

Polymyalgia is in inflammatory condition in the muscles or joints. The stiffness of muscles and joints causes mobility to be decreased. The stiffness also causes pain and this condition can be prevalent throughout the body. This condition mainly affects women of northern European descent. Some speculate it could be linked to genetics, but no solid evidence has been presented.

Fibromyalgia on the other hand affects the ligaments and tendons. This chronic illness can cause the ligaments and tendons to become fatigued. As the soft tissues fatigue the intensity of the pain can be debilitating. Sensations of muscle burns or muscle spasms are common. Fibromyalgia is much more widespread than polymyalgia in the population.

Natural methods such as massage therapy aim to restore flexibility of the muscles. Massage therapy along with stretching can help to restore flexibility in the joints. Massage chairs are used to deliver these types of therapies to help people with these conditions. To relieve the discomfort is very important to assist a persons positive outlook.

Natural treatments focus on the soft tissue areas. Massage therapy has been successfully used to reduce the stiffness in the neck, hips, shoulders, upper arms and thighs. To reduce the stiffness, it is important to get the soft tissue areas flexible. Bending, stretching, and pulling help to restore flexibility. Massage chairs perform a variety of massage types that can be precisely delivered to the patient's area of need.

Restoring flexibility to the soft tissue areas will help them heal. The muscles have become fatigued and their natural reaction is to stiffen. Initially, to increase their flexibility you have to overcome their initial stiffness. This can be a somewhat painful process. As you are stretching your muscles, it is helping to restore their natural flexibility.

Since pain is a symptom of both fibromyalgia and polymyalgia, massage chairs have found to be an effective method of relief. Massage chairs help to restore flexibility while also decreasing the associated pain with these conditions. Of course, since the soft tissues are stiff, all initial activity to restore flexibility may result in some initial pain to start.

One has to get over the initial pain hurdle which is getting the soft tissue areas more elastic. This is the toughest part of getting on a path to normalization. A routine of diet, exercise, stretching and massage is important to keep the soft tissues to becoming rigid again.

Both of these conditions can be highly frustrating for patients, since there is no cure. The symptoms are the focus of treatment until a cure is found. In their frustration with seeking these measures many people do turn to alternative treatment to help themselves in relief of their pain symptoms. Many have found a massage chair as an indispensible tool in coping with both conditions.

You should always check with your health care provider before starting any new routines. Talk to them about your diet, exercise, stretching, and massage chair therapy. What are natural methods that you should be looking at? Just remember you have to get over the initial hurdle of stiffness on a routine basis. Find out how you can get relief and help to restore your body's health with a massage chair. - 17268

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