Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get your children to eat healthy food

By Alex Hendricks

No matter what age our kids are, we never really stop wanting to spend time with them. Use the tips here to encourage your kids to eat healthy, and make smarter food choices.

-Make sure that your kids (and you) have a lot of good snacks to eat. -Follow your own advice by making better choices for yourself. -Dinnertime isn't the time to start a battle over food. If you don't leave it up for debate, your kids will eat healthy. -If you let your kids help cook and shop for groceries, they are more likely to eat healthy if they chose the food.

If you follow the tips given here, you'll learn to make healthy food choices part of your family's routine. It's not always easy to do, because kids and parents are busy these days, and it just seems easier to get take-out.. Here are some ways to employ the strategies we just went over.

Sitting down for a meal as a family can be the start of a wonderful tradition. Children thrive on structure, and knowing that there is a family meal coming up gives them something to look forward to. Parents can use the opportunity to catch up with their kids' lives. Kids who eat meals as a family have been found to be:

-healthier eaters by nature, and much less prone to overindulging on fried and sweet foods -a lot less likely to smoke marijuana or use other drugs, or to drink alcohol

When kids eat with their parents, they are more likely to try new foods, and their parents are modeling healthy choices. Teens, however, are independent by nature and they probably will be less than enthusiastic about a family dinner.As they age, they still need to rely on Mom and Dad for advice, discipline, and love. Family meals are a fine opportunity to get up to speed with what's going on in everyone's life. Try these tips:

-Let your teen invite a friend to dinner. -Allow them to help choose and cook the meal. -Make mealtime a "fight free" time- save lectures and arguments for another more appropriate time.

Have a nutritious meal when everyone is home, even if you have to order in to do it. If your family has a busy schedule like most, you might have to adapt a little. It could be as simple as pushing dinner back by an hour or two, or maybe going for Chinese food on Tuesdays. - 17268

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