Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dumbbell Exercise Chart - The Best Dumbbell Exercises

By Josh Owen

It's hard to find a good dumbbell exercise chart. You'll find charts with inferior exercises and most aren't organized by major muscle group. You need only the best dumbell exercises, and you need them organized by major muscle group.

Below, you'll find a list of the best dumbbell exercises for each major muscle group:

Quadriceps: Squats

Hamstrings: Romanian Deadlift

Legs: Dumbell Lunge

Calves: Donkey Calf Raise

Chest: Incline Bench Press

Shoulders: Dumbbell Overhead Press

Back: Bent Over Rows

Biceps: Dumbell Curls

Triceps: Extensions

Forearms: Hammer Curls

All you need to perform the exercises above are a good set of adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable weight bench for the bench press. That's all you need to get a great workout with dumbbells.

You can build your own home gym in the corner of any room. And you can get a great workout with the exercises I've shown you. You don't need much room at home, and the cost of the equipment is minimal.

The weightlifting exercises I've listed above are the best compound exercises you can do with dumbbells for each major muscle group. You won't find isolation exercises in the list above because isolation exercises use lighter weights and do not work as much muscle mass as compound exercises. For example, dumbbell curls use much heavier weights than concentration curls.

Efficiency is the key to getting faster results from weight lifting. Compound exercises are far more efficient than isolation exercises. You work a greater amount of muscle in less time. Use isolation exercises to improve weaknesses in muscle groups, but only if you're an advanced lifter.

If you'd like to see the entire dumbbell exercise chart with exercise videos showing you how to do each exercise, please see the link below. You'll also find a few more compound dumbbell exercises there too.

At the link below, you'll also learn how to organize these dumbbell exercises into a complete workout program. Learn more about weight lifting and designing a weightlifting program that gives fast results. An intelligently designed workout program is ensures you don't waste your efforts. - 17268

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