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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Notice The Nutrients Of The Acai Berry

By Christine Roberts

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) has been touted as the world's greatest "superfood" and it has been credited with many amazing claims from weight loss to cancer prevention and even anti-aging.

Many of these claims are probably highly exaggerated since there are many, many extremely nutritious "superfoods" found in nature and there is no single "miracle" food that can treat all that ails you. The acai berry is just another in a long line of healthy foods.

This small berry that is found only in the Amazon rainforest does have some of the highest antioxidant qualities ever found on the planet. It has double as many antioxidants as blueberries and even 10 times as many as red grapes. It also has monounsaturated fats in the form of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 and oleic acid. And it is loaded with phytosterols and healthy dietary fiber.

When it comes down to it the acai berry is one of the most healthy and rich with antioxidants foods ever found in nature and our bodies want and even crave these nutrients to function at optimal levels. Nevertheless this small berry and the products created from it are not the miracle cure for everything that ails you such as anti-aging, fat fighting and disease prevention. The acai berry is just one component in the quest for great health.

As it is possible to get all of the nutrients you need from supplements it has been confirmed by science that it is by far greater to get your nutrition from the consumption of a nourishing diet. The optimum nutrition that our bodies yearn for and all of the healthy nutrients as well as those found in the acai berry work at their optimum levels when they are combined with other nutrients, the nutritional value and synergy of a complete healthy diet is far superior to any food or nutrient on its own.

As a result if you want to get the highest benefit from the acai berry you need to include it as part of a balanced, highly nutritious diet that includes many other high antioxidant foods including blueberries, pomegranates, pumpkin, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes and the list goes on and on. And of course, the greatest advice for diet and for the consumption of all foods including highly nutritious foods is "all things in moderation".

The acai berry is an extremely healthy addition to a well-balanced and nutritious diet. The antioxidant qualities and high nutritional value can help you to lessen the effects of aging, lose weight, prevent serious disease, raise your energy and more, but not alone and by itself, but only as a part of a healthy and nutritious diet plan.

High nutrition requires the synergy of a large spectrum of nutrients working together in harmony and one food, no matter how nutritious cannot do it alone. Moreover, with all foods and all nutrition, moderation is key. - 17268

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