Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Acai Berry Recipes

By Jane A Moore

I just saw the Rachel Ray acai berry show, and since Rachel Ray has such spectacular recipe ideas, I was a little disappointed that she didn't try to incorporate acai berry juice into a fun recipe. Since then I have tried a number of acai berry juices, which are fine on their own, but I thought that it was time that I try to experiment and see if I could create some interesting acai berry recipes.

The first thing I tried was an acai berry juice marinade on chicken breast. This is just a variation of an orange juice and white pepper marinade I picked up in Nicaragua or the lime juice and soy marinade I had been using for years. I should note that I always marinade for at least six hours as any less time doesn't do much for me.

I cut the chicken breast into strips and pour acai juice and some extra virgin cold pressed olive oil over the pieces. In an effort to cut the sweetness, I added some sea salt and crushed capers. The result was interesting and got fairly good reviews. I didn't like it as much as my stand by marinades so I won't be likely to repeat this recipe. Also I ended up tossing much of the acai goodness down the drain which entirely defeats the health benefits of acai berry juice. Additionally, acai is more expensive than lime juice or orange juice so it was a slightly expensive experiment.

Let's think of something else that might be Rachel Ray acai berry recipe worthy. I thought of an acai berry frozen yogurt that was quick and simple to make, but this one turned out delicious! First, because I am going to add juice to the yogurt, we need to drain some liquid so it won't form too many ice crystals once it's frozen. Start by draining a pint of plain (low fat) yogurt with a colander and cheese cloth in the fridge for a day. Once it's has drained, discard the liquid, and now whip in 1/2 a cup of acai berry juice. At this point it actually makes a wonderful spread or dip.

So once the yogurt and acai berry mixture has been mixed and whipped, put it in a Tupperware and freeze it for a minimum of 6 hours. Once it is frozen to your taste - some people prefer just a chilled version, others like really hard frozen yogurt - serve, and enjoy! This recipe so far is the favorite, and versatile as well. You can use it as a non-frozen bagel spread, or throw it in the freezer for a frozen version perfect for a hot summer day.

Finally, I tried my own version of the old standby, the fruit smoothie. Actually there are a lot of acai berry juice mixes that have a creamy consistency and are called 'smoothies' on the label, but I like to make my smoothies fresh so I get the little bit of ice chips right in the smoothie. I mixed ice, banana, yogurt and acai berry juice in my blender, and blended until smooth. A trick I like to use is to freeze the banana before adding it, which makes the smoothy even creamier. In any event, as predicted, this was pretty delicious.

With a little imagination acai can be incorporated into many different recipes. Without much thought I was able to create a main course, desert and a smoothie. Although Rachel Ray acai berry recipes do not seem to currently exist I will continue looking and in the meantime I will be creating and writing about my own recipes. - 17268

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