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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to Control Hypertension with Herbs

By Yolande Koy

Hypertension is a very common disease in America, afflicting a third of its population and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, manifests itself in the blockage of the arterial wall, rapid heartbeats and increase of blood volume.

No one is safe from this insidious disease, as it does not discriminate among the world population. No matter your age, sex or ethnicity. The disease has managed to gain a stranglehold on the population due to the prevalence of sedentary way of life, bad eating habits and stress.

However, there are ways for you to remedy or at the minimum keep it under control. It would require you to have a balanced diet, frequent exercise and herbal remedies. The most well known and effective of these herbal remedies to control this disease would be the common garlic. There is a unique herbal remedy, which is often recommended by herbalists, by making a mixture of garlic and raisins. This unique combination may be too bizarre of a combination for some, and may seem like jumping straight into the deep end for people that are trying herbal remedies for the first time.

A more attractive alternative is grapefruits. There are many people that have grapefruits for breakfast, but what they may not know is, grapefruits are highly beneficial in managing hypertension. Grapefruits are said to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure because they contain large quantities of vitamin P. To enhance the effects, you can take a carrot, another great food to remedy hypertension.

The more exotic herbs beyond fruits and vegetables would include Garcinia, hawthorn berries and a superb herb for hypertension, Shepherd's Purse. The blood vessels are relaxed and cleansed with these herbs. Other than that, you could use an infusion of sarpagandha, Siberian ginseng, motherwort, mistletoe and lime blossoms. To give an extra boost, you may add one teaspoon of honey to the infusion.

Honey in itself is useful in controlling hypertension. It also helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. You can mix it into a drink and take it every morning. Take a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix it with water. For the more daring, you can substitute the lemon juice with onion juice.

Beyond all things, a proper diet is necessary to maintain good health. It will also help in dealing with high blood pressure. The importance of adding fruits and vegetables into your diet cannot be overstated. Apples and bananas can be taken to replace the junk food snacks. Tomatoes, spinach and green vegetables are high on the list of recommended vegetables for hypertension. You may also find it beneficial to fast every now and then. On the day you are fasting, replace your meals with fruit juices.

As a final point, you need to manage your stress. You can employ various natural methods to manage it such as yoga, aromatherapy or massage. Using these natural methods will help you wind down after a hectic day at work. - 17268

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