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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cellulite Reduction

By Jane Austen

What exactly is cellulite, you might ask. Cellulite is basically the series of ripples from fat cells underneath the skin.

We find cellulite most commonly in places like the thighs and butt. Women in particular tend to have cellulite in these places. Additionally, we find a certain "orange peel" characteristic to it.

It is interesting to note that it is unclear why women tend to get cellulite more often than men. It is possbile that the two genders have differences in skin or cell composition which results in this change.

Why we even get cellulite is also a mystery. Its causes and why it comes to be is still widely unknown. Of course, there are theories to its appearance including thinking it to be fat cell problems or some kind of hormone inbalance.

It is important to know however that simply being fat is not a cause for the appearance of cellulite. There are many overweight people who do not have cellulite while there are many slim people who do have cellulite. As a result, having large amounts of fat is not a predictor of whether or not you will get cellulite or the severeness of it.

Although, it is known that excess fat does cause cellulite. This could be because enlarged fat cells put more pressure on the tissue around it and the connective tissue which ultimately affects the skin in negative ways.

There are a few solutions such as dieting so that the fat cells themselves become reduced.

One other solution is to boost the skin's production of collagen as a whole. This will mean that your skin's appearance will improve and cellulite will become reduced. If you are interested, check out HD BodySolution which provides just this. At this time, HD BodySolution is even offered on a free trial so that you can see the results first before paying any money. Start reducing your cellulite today! - 17268

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