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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Do you ever think that you may have gout?

By Paul Mahon

There is nothing new about gout, it has been around for hundreds and probably thousands of year and has seen millions of people suffer with it. Gout is prevalent in some familys, if your father or other male member of your family has gout then there is a chance that you to will develop it.

Uric acid is a process involving the breakdown of purines that are present in the foods that we eat. The kidneys failure to process uric acid can lead to gout attacks. These attacks are characterized by painful arthritis like symptoms. In severe cases, uric acid build up can lead to occurrence of kidney stones, and kidney failure in worst cases.

Having elevated levels of uric acid in your blood does not mean that you will automatically suffer with gout attacks. Hyperucemia (thats the medical name for increased levels of uric acid in your blood) is something that if found may cause you to initially panic, but if you find out about it before you have any gout attacks then you are lucky. You can take steps to change your lifestyle and reduce the levels of uric acid.

The use of the term "gout" has been commonly applied to the episode of painful arthritis like attacks. A more specific term to these attacks is "gouty arthritis". It is characterized by sudden severe painful episode appearing as inflammation of the affected joint.

The inflammation of the joint is hastened by the occurrence of crystallized uric acid deposits in the person's joints. These crystallized uric acids may be found in joint or synovial fluid and joint or synovial lining. Intense inflammation develops when white blood cells envelops the uric acid crystals as a defense mechanism. This action causes the release chemicals that results in inflammation. The person will experience severe pain, redness and heat in the area afflicted.

Finding out if you have gout is not an exact science in any way. We have mentioned enhanced levels of uric acid already, yet there are people who have gout but don't display increased uric acid levels. If you have the pain that we have described then it is time to go and see a Dr, be totally honest and open with your Dr, tell him exactly what pain you are having and when you have experienced it. - 17268

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