Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

3 Flabby Arms Delusions to Avoid

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Internet marketers love making money with your desperation for getting rid of flabby arms. One bogus site even goes as far to claim that microbes living in your large intestine are to blame for excess arm fat.

Do an internet search for "flabby arms", and you'll be inundated with misinformation from sources out to make a fast buck. So many women are stuck in a black hole of conflicting information that they eventually give up. Some sources go as far to claim that organisms living in your stomach are to blame for arm fat.

If you fall for this, your bank account will shrink while your arms enlarge.

On a positive note, getting rid of flabby arms isn't that complicated. Luckily for you, I've spent a large amount of my life de-complicating the process. And here are 3 myths you MUST know so that the clever marketers don't get you:

1. Long duration cardio. Endless bouts of cardio will send endless amounts of cortisol through your body. This hormone will consume your muscle until your body burns so few calories that losing arm fat will be virtually impossible. So doing lots of cardio won't make your arms look better, they will look worse!

2. Low-fat intake. Low-fat intakes can reduce your arm-fat-melting hormones by up to 30%--the last thing you need. Even worse, low-fat intakes speed up digestion which in turn increases fat deposits on your arms. Thus, increasing fat in your diet, decreases fat on your arms.

3. Low-fat. Going low-fat is the last thing you should do if you want sexy arms. Doing so will reduce your arm-fat-incinerating hormones by 30%. And your digestion rate will speed up which in turn will increase the amount of fatty tissue stored within your arms. So decreasing dietary fat, increases arm fat.

Did you believe any of these?

Ok, now you know 3 flabby arms myths to avoid at all costs. By avoiding the above you will be well on your way to sexy arm stardom. Getting those toned arms the right way doesn't have to be like finding a needle in a hay stack, it really doesn't! - 17268

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