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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Treatment & Management Of Diabetes (Informational)

By Deborah Marvin

Diabetes mellitus, often referred to simply as diabetes is a syndrome of a disordered metabolism, usually caused by a heredity and environmental issues.

Resulting is abnormally high blood sugar levels, blood sugar levels are controlled by a complex interacting of multiple chemicals and hormones. The hormone insulin made in the cells of the organ (pancreas) is controller of diabetes and helps with the treatment.

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of different diabetes that all eventually lead to a high blood sugar count. Diabetes is developed when you have a low count of insulin in your body or resistance to its effects. All forms of diabetes have been controllable since insulin was discovered and came available in 1921, there is still no cure for diabetes.

All types of diabetes have been treatable with insulin since 1921 (its discovery in helping with the treatment of diabetes). Diabetes can cause many complications in the long run of your life time, chronic renal failure, retinal damage (the cause for blindness), poor wound healing, nerve problems, ED (erectile dysfunction) and cardiovascular deterioration are all causes of diabetes.

Diabetes has no cure at the moment and is considered a chronic disease. When you have diabetes, you are mostly in control of the outcome of your life. If you pay attention to what foods you are eating daily and what your blood sugar counts are than you should be okay. Although many people don't take care of themselves and suffer from the consequences that were listed above.

Insulin is supplied to those who have attacks, without insulin these people could die from these severe attacks. The main focus of treatment is to keep your blood sugar count to its normal state and not to high or to low. If your blood sugar count drops or rises you can have an attack and at which case the insulin shot is required.

All over the world people are dieing each day from diabetes. They have insulin attacks and don't have the proper tools to save their own lives. We must come together and eliminate this horrible disease from ruining our lives and families.

Doctor scientists are currently researching to discover a cure for the groups of diabetes. So far nothing has came out of the research but they are on the verge of discovering new treatment methods that could eliminate diabetes itself. - 17268

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