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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Are the Reasons We Tend to Bruise More Easily as We Age?

By Carolyn Cooper

Do you remember when you could study all day and hang out with your friends until the next morning? How about pulling all-nighters, and still being ready to head out for some fun on the weekends? When we are young, our bodies recover much more quickly from the damage that we do it, and one thing that you might have been noticing is that you are now seeing a lot more bruising. The truth is that we are subject to bruising more as we get older, and when those bruises do appear, they are no longer going away quite as fast.

The first reason why we may be bruising more as we age is that we have lost a portion of our fat layer that lies just below our skin. This causes the skin to have a rather papery appearance to it, and it is no longer as protective if we fall or bump into something. In the same vein, we find that the tissues supporting our blood vessels is getting a lot weaker, which makes them considerably more prone to incidental damage. As we grow older, the blood vessels themselves have become more frail, and we should be aware of that situation. When the blood vessels beneath our skin break because of blunt trauma, blood will pool below the skin, which causes the bruise formation.

When you are examining the process of why you might bruise more as you age, remember that there can often be other factors involved as well. Having spent a great deal of time in the sun might be a contributing factor, as will use of things like blood thinners, whether in the form of over the counter aspirin or corticosteroid drugs. Some people will also find that dietary supplements like vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, garlic, and ginseng can make them more prone to easy bruising.

Also keep in mind that bruising can be an indicator of a variety of more serious problems that happen as we grow older. If you honestly believe that you are bruising without cause, you should present your concerns to your doctor. You might need to be tested for illnesses that cover the spectrum from diabetes to certain related blood diseases. If you discover a higher level of bruising after you begin a new medication or a supplement, you will also want to discuss these occurrences with your doctor as soon as possible. Continue to focus on the fact that regardless of why bruising is taking place, bruising is your body telling you about some form of damage, and this is a situation that you shouldn't be taken lightly.

Try to keep up with your bruises. Stay in touch with where they occur, as well as when they occur. Are the bruises sore to the touch, and how long are they taking to vanish? Evaluate the medications that you have been taking to help with your bruising, and determine what else you can do to help heal them? Your bruising may very well be a problematic situation, but this problem can absolutely be solved with the proper research. - 17268

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