Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What You Can Eat and Still Lose Weight

By Brian Paul

People spend more money on trying to lose weight than most individuals realize. This is because the diet companies that are supposedly interested in your health and well-being are typically only trying to really empty your pockets. You might see quick weight loss with some diet programs, but often the results fade because it hard to stick with an extreme diet.

Most of these programs are designed to help you lose weight fast, which is not healthy and will not be sustainable. Does this mean that there are no foods that help you lose weight quickly while maintaining your health?

You can actually do something simple that will help you lose weight without sacrificing your health or a lot of money. This is by using what is commonly known as a glycemic index. If you want to know how fast something you eat will get into your bloodstream, check the glycemic index. The scale goes from 0 to 100, with water at 0 and refined white sugar at 100. When the glycemic index of a food is high, the faster your blood sugar will rise after you eat it. This can have a devastating effect on your health and your weight.

The reason why this is the case is because the pancreas is designed to release insulin into your system as a result of the sugar that resides there. Your pancreas is cranked into high gear to make insulin when you eat a lot of sugary foods.

Not only can this make you feel sluggish and foggy headed, it can also add fat to your body. Does this seem counter intuitive? Whatever sugar is not used gets stored as fat, making you heavier.

One way to fix this is to eat foods that are under 50 on the glycemic index. These could become your newest best friends.Your pancreas will thank you if you eat foods lower on the glycemic index, and your insulin levels will be more stable.

You will have more energy throughout the day and will remain in full between meals. This is the easiest way for you to lose weight and one of the healthiest ways to take care of your body. - 17268

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