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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Discover The Advantages Of Super Foods Including Acai Berries

By Helen Harris

Fruits and vegetables are a central part of a good for you eating habits. Comparisons between different fruits and vegetables have found a category that are so advantageous that they are deemed to be "super" or super foods and super fruits.

These super foods are foods that have an extreme total of nutritional value based upon the calories that they supply. Many fruits and vegetables fall into this exclusive category such as spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes and many more. Berries are virtually all considered to be super fruits, especially blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry from the acai palm in Brazil. All of the super foods boast a high ORAC level. That is the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the facility of an antioxidant to defuse oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

These good for your health and nutritious fruits contain some of the highest ORAC values on earth. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the antioxidants contained within the fruit's power to neutralize oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

Free radicals are an unsteady molecule that is deficient an electron. They are organically developed anytime our bodies utilize oxygen for any process, which is virtually every process in our bodies. When you are living and breathing you are instinctively creating free radicals every minute. Antioxidants are particular compounds that are found in food that bestow the missing electron to a free radical and defuse them.

The harm caused from free radicals shows up bit by bit. Diseases usually manifest over the course of years and they do not happen overnight. The same thing happens with gray hair, wrinkles and sagging skin. The damage happens gradually but it all adds up.

The damage from free radicals is sinister. It shows up slowly but surely. Most disease come about after a lengthy course, few if any show up instantly. A disease manifests after a long development. Same with wrinkles and gray hair, very few individuals wake up one day utterly gray and totally wrinkly. But a gray hair here and a line there all add up.

On the other hand, nature provides a instinctive and natural way to neutralize the mutilation that free radicals instigate in our bodies. Antioxidants from beneficial foods come in and provide the omitted electron to the free radical. It thereby neutralizes the molecule and helps to put off additional harm.

In order to have the best outcome, antioxidant high foods should be eaten every day as part of an in general good for your health and nutritious diet. Continuous investigation into the advantages of antioxidants are confirming how very advantageous they are. So be smart and eat your blueberries, take your acai berry supplement and be strong to the finish and eat up your spinach. - 17268

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