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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Acupuncture Services

By Bangang Nkouppitt

It is thought that hormone imbalance can cause the body secrete more oils than it really should. Treating acne with acupuncture can help regulate your body's hormone output, and thus make your skin clearer. Treating acne with acupuncture isn't a magic cure-all, though. You still have to eat a balanced diet, wash yourself consistently and avoid heavy makeup or products that might irritate your skin.

If you are one of those toiling millions suffering from acute depression, anxiety and stress, then acupuncture can serve as a perfect remedy. Acupuncture is a holistic method that can integrate functions of mind and body and balance all types of emotional distresses naturally and effectively. With acupuncture proving its success in the whole world, conventional treatments like anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills should be thrown aside. To enhance the overall mood of a person, there is nothing better than acupuncture.

Many people have the misconception that acupuncture is quite painful; this concept is false, because undergoing acupuncture is actually painless. Most of the acupuncture being performed on television is also misleading because the normal needles used to acupuncture are so thin that it is difficult to see with your eyes alone. The needles as big as injection needles that are used in television are merely for demonstration purposes

It is actually very difficult to find the cause of certain diseases through acupuncture alone, because you will have to observe how a person responds to treatments and stimuli very closely. Therefore it will take a very talented and experienced acupuncturist to correctly diagnose an illness. You should also note that acupuncture is not only used to cure diseases, it can also be used to relieve back pain, muscle pain, or to just stimulate the flow of your blood so you feel energized. For example, a symptomatic treatment is a very difficult procedure because it requires that the acupuncturist remove the symptoms of an illness. The acupuncturist must know the critical acupuncture points he should stimulate and he must be knowledgeable about how the point relates to other parts of the body.

There are two common terms in the traditional Chinese medicine system. They are yin and yang. Yin is thought to be the cold, passive or female principle whilst yang is thought to be the hot, active or male principle. They are two opposite forces. A state of harmony is said to be achieved when these two opposing forces are in balance. If there is an imbalance of the two, the flow of vital energy or natural energy is blocked and it is believed that disease and all other ailments come about as a result of this imbalance. This imbalance can occur when a person is depressed, due to grief, anger or fear, stressed or when it is very cold, very hot, humid, windy or dry. Factors such as an improper diet, exhaustion, overwork and too much sex can bring about this imbalance as well.

Acupuncture is a method of curing illnesses through the insertion of needles in targeted points in the body for improved stimulation. The needles used for acupuncture are very thin. They are only a little thicker than a human hair. The main purpose of acupuncture is actually to normalize the flow of blood and balance the yin and yang in the body but, because it is very effective in curing certain diseases, it is now used as an alternative healing method.

Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points along the body either by needle, laser, or by pressure. The stimulation of these points causes a chemical cascade in the body that creates an optimal environment for the body to heal itself. There are no side effects as no outside chemicals are introduced. Acupuncture needles are 'hair thin' and are not painful like regular needles.

Acupuncture is here for long time. Its authenticity is still a debatable issue. But the recent study that the acupuncture can dramatically lower blood pressure. According to this study, when low level of electrical stimulation was given at specific points on the front legs of rats lower the elevation in blood pressure. This study provides a setting stage for large-scale trails on humans and another option for healthcare practitioner treating high blood pressure patients. This study proves that acupuncture can be an excellent complements to other medical treatments, especially those treating high blood pressure problems. - 17268

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