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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Heartburn Goes Away With An Acid Reflux Diet

By Rosie Shannon

As you grow up, you will find that you body goes through a myriad of changes. You will start to see that you will put on more weight. This will be because you are being less active as you were when you were a child. You will also find that you will start to get heartburn, because you insides are changing too. There are things you can do to remedy all of it. For the excess weight there is exercise, and you can start an acid reflux diet for the heartburn.

When you are looking for a good acid reflux diet you want to make sure that you do not eat anything that will give you acid. Now, in order to do this you will need to know what acid is. The first thing you can do is stop eating garlic. It gives you bad breath, and is the number one cause of acid.

So now you got rid of one food that is giving you heartburn - good start. There are, however, a few more you will need to eliminate from your diet to keep going. Before you do, you will need to know that heartburn is cause by too much acid in your gut. It means that you eat food that is too rich in acid and oils (the wrong oils).

This is why you will start passing wind through your mouth more often, and most of the time, it will burn your throat - it is the excess acid. Now, you know why drinking milk works so well when you have acid! When you suffer from something like this you do not want to eat heartburn tablets for the rest of your life.

This is why it is important that you change your diet. Keep a log of what you eat and when you eat it. You cannot follow a specific diet when it comes to something like this, because different things affect different people. The log will help you understand what you ate that gave you the heartburn.

This way you will be able to eliminate the food that is giving you heartburn and eat more of the foods that are not. That is the secret of a good acid reflux diet - and remember, lay off of those antacid tablets, they are just making things worse. - 17268

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