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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Benefits of Resveratrol - Live Longer and Healthier

By Jason Hunter

There have been some very important studies conducted regarding the reason why people in certain countries love longer than others, and suffer from less life threatening illnesses. Resveratrol has been attributed as being one of the reasons why some of the oldest people in the world have lived as long as they have.

Emulating what others do is one of the ways in which we learn, having a mentor or role model is generally the best way to do this. In the instance of this wonder substance the same might apply. But how do we do this?

However this might not be the wisest path to take if you look at one of the longest recorded living person on the planet. This was a French woman aged 122, when she died in 2001, she did not exercise or live a clean life, in fact she both smoked and drank alcohol her entire life. Now we are not advocating that you start smoking and drinking like Jean Calumet, but you must admit that there are some good questions to be asked regarding hers, and other centenarian lifestyles.

They obviously realized that centenarians from France and other countries are doing something most of us don't do. They have a culture of drinking wine, but not just any wine, red wine. Both Sardinia and France have high statistics of people living to be centenarians. On Oprah, Dr. Oz told us that high concentrations of resveratrol are found in red wine and both this and the alcohols is what does us so much good.

This substance is an incredibly powerful anti-oxidant, and the best possible source to obtain it is red wine, because this is where you find it in its highest concentrations. Red wine makers use the skin, pips and other grape material when they make red wine, but they don't when they make white wine. So white wine has very little or no resveratrol benefit. This health giving ingredient is found in the skins of the grape, the grape vine, seeds, roots and stalks, but the highest concentration is found in the grape skins.

Not only is resveratrol a powerful anti-oxidant, it has also been found by scientists that it is able to trigger a dormant anti ageing gene found in the human body, into activity. The reason why grapes produce cellular chemistry to protect themselves is because they generally have to live in very hostile environments. The skin of the grape protects the fruit and seeds, and this is what we benefit from too. The cellular and molecular chemistry of plants is fascinating.

To enjoy the full benefits of this substance it is important to drink red wine, the benefit lies 80% in the alcohol and 20% in this active ingredient. It is the combination of these two factors which are best. However if you don't take to alcohol or it doesn't take to you, you are able to receive some benefit from drinking dark grape juice, or taking resevratrol supplements, although these supplements are still undergoing FDA trials.

With alcohol and drinking per se, the key to actually obtaining benefit is moderation. People like me are in trouble, because when I open a bottle of red wine, I have to finish it, and this is where resveratrol supplements may come in handy. To get the benefits of resveratrol - as reviewed on Oprah, Dr. Oz recommends one glass of red wine a day, but he doesn't say how big the glass should be! Men may drink a little more as they have a better ability to metabolize alcohol than women. - 17268

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