Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Body Type A Blue Print - Six Week Body Makeover

By Steve Oberman

The 6 Week Body Makeover Body Type A has the slowest metabolism out of the entire body types. This puts you at a disadvantage when trying to lose weight. Metabolic rate determines how fast food is converted into energy. The slower your metabolism is, the harder it is to lose weight.

Do you feel like anything you eat makes you gain weight? Have you tried every type of diet and still gain weight? The reason why you keep gaining weight is because dieting does not work for you. Eating the right types of foods for your body will ensure that you lose weight.

Don't despair, there is hope. You CAN and you WILL lose weight if you follow the Six Week Body Makeover eating program. The reason why you gain weight is because your body's metabolism is so slow that it cannot keep up with your eating habits, even if you do not eat that food, your metabolism is too slow to burn calories.

Most times, you cannot help your condition, even though you blame yourself. Many Body Type A's have tried their whole lives to lose weight, but have failed miserably. This is because they do not understand how their body's work and what types of foods will make them lose weight, instead of gain weight.

Many times you are classified as obese rather than overweight. The time is now to change your obesity and to make yourself health and beautiful. Take the Six Week Body Blue Print Questionnaire and get started to losing weight.

Foods that will make you lose weight are fish, chick, turkey breast and complex carbohydrates. Red meat should be avoided as this will make you bulk up. Complex carbohydrates include brown rice, squash and sweet potatoes. - 17268

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