Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eating Disorder Symptoms Checklist

By Jennifer Pereira, RD, LD, CSCS

There is a quick screening tool that can give you an idea if you or someone you know may be suffering from an eating disorder. While eating disorder symptoms are vast, these questions will indicate if there is a problem.

Do you ever want to get rid of your food because you feel too full?

This question indicates bulimic characteristics. There are many versions of bulimic behavior, so do not assume it involves vomiting. If a person feels they have gotten too full, they may try a variety of techniques to purge it. This includes, but is not limited to: restriction, laxatives, overexercise, etc.

Do you ever feel as though you have no control over the amount you eat?

The most common indicator of an eating disorder is feeling out of control with food. This feeling is common in compulsive overeating, binge eating disorder and bulimia. If you or someone you know feels this way, you need to get help.

Have you recently lost more than 15 pounds in a three-month period?

Rapid weight loss is characteristic of anorexia. Excessive weight loss can come from any starting weight. You may find someone engaging in these behaviors who is not actually underweight by medical standards. A person may appear healthy if they start from a weight about ideal body weight range. A person who has had rapid weight loss like this needs to get treatment, regardless of their current weight.

Is there a big difference in how others see your weight versus how you see it?

If there is a big difference between how you see yourself and others see you, there is a problem. The inability to see yourself accurately is called body dysmorphic disorder. This disorder is commonly linked with eating disorders and requires professional treatment.

Is your life dominated by a focus on food?

This is an issue that people with all types of eating disorders will have. A person who is trapped in an eating disorder will be constantly focused on food and body. Life loses all enjoyment when the thoughts are only about what foods they should and shouldn't eat. A person cannot fully experience life when they are trapped in their own thoughts about food.

If you answer yes to two or more of the above questions, chances are you may be struggling with an eating disorder. It is critical to seek help for eating disorder behavior. While some people are able to overcome the behaviors on their own, the true underlying issues must be addressed. If you or someone you know is struggling with any of the above issues, please seek help immediately. - 17268

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