Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fat Arms And 4 Mistakes You're Probably Making

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The reduction of fat arms has become quite the mystery. The truth is that countless women are lost in a sea of information confusion.

How did this ever come to be? I personally believe that ultra aggressive marketing campaigns are to blame. And to make matters even more confusing, scientific research is usually quite ambiguous.

And if the experts are having a hard time interpreting the research, how are you supposed to? You can't But I am here to the rescue.

So without further ado, here are 4 fat arm pitfalls exposed:

1. Thinking supplementation trumps whole food. Ignore the labels with pictures of women who lost 40lbs of fat overnight. The truth is that whole foods interact with each other in ways that supplements could never mimic. Nature cannot be reproduced in a pill.

2. Fiber supplementation. Unfortunately, this ever popular supplement has been shown to increase colon cancer rates. The good news is that you probably eat so many vegetables that fiber supplementation is a moot point. Right?

3. Assuming you should be thin to win the sexy arm battle. Well, contrary to popular belief, being thin is no guarantee of being healthy. Even worse, being thin is no guarantee of having toned arms. I've seen thin women with horrible blood lipid profiles and very flabby arms!

4. Assuming carbs are the only thing that can cause insulin resistance. A state in which more calories get shuffled towards arm fat cells, insulin resistance can also be caused by high protein and/or high saturated fat intakes. So don't think fast digesting carbs are the only evil.

Warning: now you know 4 things to avoid during your quest to get toned arms. Knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what to do. I know there is a lot of information out there. The key is to look past all the marketing hype and stick to the facts. And don't forget to take action! Without action, information is useless. Good luck! - 17268

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