Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

4 Fat Arms Myths Exposed

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Fat arm confusion is rampant. Never have women been more confused about how to get toned arms.

How can this happen? Well, I believe the majority of confusion can be traced back to extreme marketing tactics. To complicate things further, sometimes the research isn't even clear!

Now if the gurus have a tough time detangling the research, how is the average women supposed to? Luckily, I have already done this for you.

Thus, here are 4 mistakes you may be making when trying to get rid of fat arms:

1. Assuming supplements are better than food. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most supplements don't work. Let me repeat that, most supplements don't work. Supplement regulation is broken in our country, that's the truth. Besides, whole foods interact with each other in beneficial ways that science doesn't fully understand.

2. Fiber supplementation. Unfortunately, this ever popular supplement has been shown to increase colon cancer rates. The good news is that you probably eat so many vegetables that fiber supplementation is a moot point. Right?

3. Thinking ultra-thinness is the epitome of health. Have you ever seen a thin women undergo heart surgery? I have. Have you ever seen a thin woman with flabby arms? I have.

4. Thinking carbs are the only macronutrients that can mess with insulin. I have some bad news: saturated fat and high protein intakes can also mess up your insulin levels. So make sure you are eating with balance across all foods.

Warning: now you know 4 things to avoid during your quest to get toned arms. Knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what to do. I know there is a lot of information out there. The key is to look past all the marketing hype and stick to the facts. And don't forget to take action! Without action, information is useless. Good luck! - 17268

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