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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Will Starting a Swimming Program Help Me Reduce Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

Have you noticed several dark blotches on your arms and legs recently? If you can hardly recall where they came from, then you have undoubtedly determined that you don't want to have to deal with this condition. Numerous people discover that they are bruising more readily as they grow older, and if you are seeking a solution to this problem, you might consider the fact that taking up a swimming program may be part of the solution for reducing your easy bruising. Although swimming probably not be the total solution for overcoming your bruising easily, you may very well find that swimming can offer a variety of benefits to you.

To begin with, swimming or any type of aerobic exercise will help your heart stay in better condition, and this, in turn, will certainly improve your overall cardiovascular health. Keep in mind that bruising takes place when blood vessels directly beneath your skin become damaged so that blood seeps out, pools, and then creates the visible bruise. As a result of your exercise program, you will discover that you are improving your cardiovascular health substantially; generally, you are strengthening your veins which causes them to not break so easily.

Also keep in mind that swimming itself is a great reminder to keep your skin moisturized. Whether you swim in the local pool or in the ocean, numerous people discover that the salt or chemicals tend to dry out their skin. The use of a good moisturizer that helps you enhance the flexibility of your skin more effectively is highly recommended. This moisturizer when combined with the more consistent exercise that you are getting from your new swimming program, will certainly make your skin feel tighter yet more elastic, which will increase your resistance to easy bruising.

Drinking the proper amount of water while participating in any form of swimming activity is a necessity. Just being in the water all the time should remind you that you need to drink more of it, and if you desire to perform at your highest level, whether you are doing synchronized swimming, laps, or water aerobics, you will find that you will get thirsty. Make it a conscious effort to drink the appropriate amount of water, and your body's metabolism will be improved which will allow bruises to heal more readily when they do occur.

All that being said, find the bathing suit that you love, grab that swim cap and jump in. Swimming is great fun, and you'll see that it can help your body defend itself against bruising easily as well. You should also consider researching unique, daily supplement programs like Bruises Be Banned that can help you overcome your easy bruising and help to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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