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Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Healthy Chocolate Berry Drink, Acai Juice

By Max Wilson

There is a magic little berry that is gaining in popularity around the world " the acai berry. The taste of this small, deep purple berry's juice lies between chocolate and the wild berries. Although, it doesn't just taste great. This super fruit as been credited for giving many health benefits, healthy heart to insulin control.

What better way to good health than to just take some juice every day? Or if juice is not your thing then you can take it in a pill or capsule form. There is even a freeze dried variety and also a pulp. Whichever method fits into your daily routine, there is a product that will suit your style.

Those who have tried acai berry juice have felt their energy levels restored after a short while. Because of all its benefits, it is said in Brazil, which is the country of its origin, to be the 'Viagra of Brazil'. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of taking this supplement is the unique blend of vitamins and amino acids. People who are getting older have less ability to absorb specific vitamins. Their joints and tissues will suffer as a result of inflammation caused by this inability hence the aging process shows up very quickly with stiffness and painful joints.

Acai products encourage and have the ability to turn back this process. So, if you are eating the right oils " omega 3 " for your joints, the acai product will promote the uptake of the oil into the body. The pain in joint is substantially reduced and the joints become much more flexible.

Diabetics have reported a reduction in their dependence on drugs associated with the disease. After a brief period their insulin levels go down and stabilize which indicates they can decrease the medicine they take.

Other added health benefits include muscle regeneration. The muscle that works the hardest in the human body is the heart. Perhaps it deserves a treat? Add to this the anti-aging aspects of juice and you have a 'super' food which should be tried and tested. - 17268

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