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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Improved Water Softener Systems Provide Better Efficiency

By Don Jackson

In Utah the most common water softening system is the ion exchange, salt-based system. Though this system consistently softens water, it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it working properly due to the amount of salt it adds to the water.

Utah water softener companies have made new improvements to this system. It now uses up to 75% less salt than the old system. This makes the water safer to drink and water plants with. The smaller amount of salt also helps to lengthen the life of appliances and plumbing. You still get the benefit of softer clothes and can use fewer detergents and skin care products.

This softener works by using salt as the positively charged ion within an exchange medium. This medium will get coated with calcium and magnesium as the free sodium ions are released into the water that passes through it. This is how the system removes the calcium and magnesium is removed from the water.

After a while the medium is coated with the bad particles and needs to be recharged by back flushing with a brine solution which replaces the calcium and magnesium with the salt ions. Utah water softener companies have improved this process with many refinements, so less salt is used. The cycling is also no longer an everyday event, so you have soft water 24 hours a day now.

If you live in Utah and are considering getting a water softening system, talk to a local representative and have your home's water tested. Most Utah water softener companies will offer a free consultation and then make suggestions for the appropriate system.

There are different sizes of systems and different functions each can perform. These systems are non-electric with no resetting needed, and you can get one for a single sink or for the whole house. You can get information on line or from the franchise nearest you. You will want to compare quality, price and maintenance time and costs.

The four types of water softener systems available are: 1) The salt-free system with nanotechnology that uses microscopic bonds in its process to first remove and then keep scale from forming and attaching to your pipes and water heaters. It causes calcium carbonate to dissolve and be washed away by the water flow. It is environmentally friendly and uses no chemicals or electricity. 2) The salt based ion exchange method that is outlined above.

Other methods are: 3) the reverse osmosis (ultra fine filtration) method. It involves ultra fine filters under pressure that force water molecules through, but keep contaminates behind to be swept down the drain. It strips water of its essential minerals but the filters can be expensive. 4) The magnetic water softener uses magnets to make carbonate salts precipitate into small particles rather than scale. This is not proven to be effective. Utah water softener providers can better explain all the possibilities in detail and help you decide. - 17268

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