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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Improve Your Diet With Fruits and Veggies

By Francine Summerstone

Everyone knows that they should be eating plenty of fruits and vegetables but so many of us don't. The recommended amounts are 3 to 4 servings of fruit and at least 4 to 5 servings of vegetables each day.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits from eating enough fruits and vegetables. The first thing you'll notice is the large amount of fiber you'll be getting from your fruits and veggies. In addition to keeping you regular, fiber can also help you feel full more quickly so you will feel the desire to eat less. This is a great way to lose some weight without drugs or pills.

Fruits and vegetables are also chock full of antioxidants, which can both help prevent cancer and slow the growth of existing cancers. Broccoli and other green leafy vegetables are especially beneficial in this regard. Fruits and veggies also contain large amounts of natural vitamins and minerals which are necessary for your body to function.

Fruits and vegetables are also easier for your body to digest than packaged junk food so your body can get more energy from them. Eating natural foods will increase your energy levels and get rid of the sluggish feeling may people suffer from.

Junk food is generally full of processed sugars that pass right through your system and go straight into your bloodstream. Your body counteracts this by producing insulin to break down the sugar. This surge of sugar and insulin are what cause the frequent sugar-rush and crash you get from junk food. Fresh fruit has natural sugars which are broken down more slowly by your body. This leads to a low surge of energy that lasts for hours.

There are many health problems that can be solved by eating more fruits and vegetables. IBS, constipation, and other GI tract issues can be helped or made better by the simple addition of more fruits and vegetables in your diet. - 17268

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