Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Appear Taller in Just 2-Minutes

By C. Ludlow

No, I'm not exaggerating when I say that you can grow taller in just 2-minutes.

It's simple to grow taller. First, however, let me show something to you. Go stand in front of a mirror. If you look at yourself from the side you'll notice that if you're like most American's, your head is jutting forward. This is from excessive time sitting with poor posture.

Why is it jutting forward? Well, modern life has dictated that you will spend a good portion of your time " sitting. Thats right. We sit in our cars. We sit at home. We sit at work. We sit when we eat. We sit all day long, for the most part.

What this does is it causes muscle imbalances to occur. When you sit for most of the day the muscles on the front of your body become tight. Just think about this for a second. Imagine you could look down at yourself right now as you read this. Youre probably in sort of a half-fetal position.

Now, back to your mirror exercise. When you look in the mirror sideways you probably noticed that your torso curves forward slightly, as do your shoulders.

All of this makes you essentially shrink. I was talking to a client awhile ago and he told me that he has shrunk 1-inch in the past 10 years. The reality is that he didnt really shrink. His posture simply fell apart. If you look at him from the side youll see that his head is resting not over his shoulders but over - air. There is no support from his bodies natural pillar-of-strength.

How can you appear taller in just 2-minutes? Simple. Just think "S.B.D."

SBD or shoulders, back and down is little mental affirmation that you can say to yourself that will revitalize your body and mind. It will give you energy and height - of all things. What you should do when you say it is push your shoulders back and down into your back pockets. This will make you appear and actually become taller.

Did you do it? If you did it then you already feel taller. Stand in front of the mirror again. Push the shoulders back and down and watch your head rise. You are taller! That's all there is to it! - 17268

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