Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seven Methods To Boost Your Metabolism

By Kelly Stevensmith

You may have heard that keeping your metabolism high is one of the keys to losing weight, but you may not really understand what metabolism is. In simple terms it is the process that converts food into energy. Metabolism occurs in your organs and muscles, so it basically helps to speed up your body's engine to burn more calories and fat faster.

One way of boosting your metabolism is to always eat a good breakfast. Many people think they are too busy and make the mistake of skipping the most important meal that you can eat in a day. Your metabolism actually starts to slow down if you don't eat after waking up as a means of protecting itself.

Another way of keeping your metabolism at a high rate is to eat several healthy snacks between meals every day. You will want to concentrate on complex carbohydrates such as grains, fruits and vegetables for maintaining a high metabolism and keeping your meal portions at a moderate size. When you eat more frequently your metabolism never gets a chance to slow down as it needs to keep up to digest what you are eating.

Do some form of aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, jogging or dancing every day. The best time to do this is in the morning if at all possible to get your metabolism supercharged at the beginning of your day. Try to stay active as much as possible throughout the day so that your body will operate more efficiently and burn off calories.

In addition to doing your aerobic exercises, take a brisk walk if you can, maybe on your lunch hour or in the evening after work. This is another form of exercise that isn't hard to do and will also help in keeping your metabolism at a high level. Another benefit is that it can give your energy level a boost which may help to make you more productive as well as helping you to lose weight.

About three times a week you should add in some weight training. Not only will this give you a buff and toned body, but you will also lose weight. Toned muscles help keep your metabolism up and your body works more effectively and efficiently at burning calories and fat.

Drink at least 60 ounces of water every day. Water keeps your body hydrated and is essential for your metabolism to function properly. One way of making this easy on yourself is to carry a water bottle with you and drink from it on a frequent basis throughout your day.

Your big meals should be eaten early in the day. Most people tend to have big dinners and smaller breakfasts and lunches. Try to break yourself of this habit and eat a big, healthy breakfast and go lighter and have an early dinner whenever you can. - 17268

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