Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, August 2, 2009

How To Gain Muscle And Weight Gain Smart

By Cliff Wenneth

Every single hard gainer wants to know how to gain muscle fast and how to do it safely and effectively. Hard gainers, please listen up! I'm here to tell you that learning how to gain muscle fast is not as hard as you think. Here to teach you how to train smarter and not harder. Below list is the most popular advice to the hard gainer when he wishes to gain muscle fast.

* Never perform More Than 10 Reps - If you are lifting weights beyond 10 reps then you are stressing your slow-twitch muscle fibers which have the smallest opportunity for muscle growth. You are a hard gainer and you need recruit the maximal amount of muscle fibers in every set. Keep the weights heavy and never more than 10 reps.

* Reduce Your Workout Time with more workout. Perform more work in less time then increased your work capacity. Work refers to the number of sets, reps and poundage within your workout. Try to complete your current workout in less time for your next work. Move from one exercise to the next much quicker. Take shorter rests. Don't be surprised if you feel out of shape![I.0.J]

* One Exercise Per Muscle Group - Do only one exercise for a muscle group for not mutilate a muscle. Your goal is to simple spark your muscles into growth. Not exhaust them to death. Once you have out performed your last workout, it is time to move onto the next exercise.

* Do Not Do More Than 3-5 Sets Per Muscle Group - Again, we are not exhaust muscle to death. Anything over and above this will simply exhausts the muscle beyond reason and delays your recovery ability to hit the muscle again.

* Increase Your Strength 5% Every Two Weeks - How do you expect to gain muscle fast if you continue to lift the same weights each workout? Your body is designed to tolerate stress. Battering it and let it get bigger. I would recommend aim for a minimum of 5% strength increase every two weeks. You might progress a little quicker with larger muscle groups like back and legs versus smaller muscles like biceps and triceps. I would actually recommend writing down your strength goals for six months from now and than work backwards. If you are currently dead lifting 135 lbs, aim to be dead lifting 270 lbs over the next few months! - 17268

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