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Friday, August 7, 2009

How To Make Your Own Popsicles

By Dania Petrevski

It's summertime! Time for playing outdoors, time for enjoying the sun and definitely time for icy cold treats. But have you seen the price of popsicles lately? And let's not even get into the ingredients. Nothing but sugar, water, coloring and a drop or two of some artificial flavoring. Yet they cost dollars per pack. Save yourself a few dollars and, while you're at it, serve your kids a frozen treat that's refreshing and good for them, too.

Ingredients For Making Your Own Popsicles

Ingredients for making your own inexpensive and healthy frozen treats are as near as your own kitchen cupboards. Simply freezing bottled fruit juices or frozen juice concentrates is a good place to start. Add in whole fruits or crushed fruits that you may have on hand, or even applesauce - to make it more fun. Switch it up even more by using yogurt as the base instead of fruit juice.

How To Make Popsicles From Bottled Fruit Juice

Using bottled fruit juice to make popsicles is an excellent way to begin. You can just pour and freeze. However, bottled fruit juice is usually a little too watery to freeze well. Your popsicles will melt too quickly and the kids will be a sticky mess. Before freezing, boil your fruit juice to reduce it by half, then stir in 1 tablespoon of light corn syrup. Now, pour into molds and freeze for a cheap, tasty freezer treat!

Use Frozen Juice Concentrates To Make Tasty Ice Pops

Using frozen juice concentrates as the base for your popsicles is a great money saver. You can get really good deals on these at the grocery store. Even easier to use than bottled fruit juice, just mix according to the package directions but use only half the water. Stir in 1 Tablespoon of corn syrup to help stabilize it, then pour into molds and freeze.

Lemonade Popsicles - So Refreshing!

Everybody loves lemonade and your kids will love these lemonade popsicles! In a small saucepan, heat 1 Cup of Water and 3/4 to 1 Cup of Sugar until all the sugar dissolves. Stir in 1 tablespoon of corn syrup, simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Allow to cool. Stir in 1 Cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (2-4 lemons) and pour into molds. Freeze for about 4 hours. Add a few crushed raspberries or strawberries for a real treat! Recipe can be multiplied for more popsicles.

Strawberries And Cream Popsicles

With just a few ingredients, you can have a tasty Strawberry Creamsicle! These pops are also a great healthy snack for yourself or the kids. Combine " Cup Strawberries, " Cup Vanilla Yogurt, 1 Cup Orange Juice and " Tablespoon of sugar in your blender until smooth. Then just pour into molds and freeze for approximately 4 hours. Voila! Strawberry Creamsicles!

Fruit Cocktail Pops

Kids love fruit and you love to have them eat it. So, why not mix it up in a popsicle? Mash one banana and one 10 ounce package of frozen, sliced strawberries with juice with a fork. Stir in one 8 ounce can of crushed pineapple with syrup and Cup milk. Got a few extra maraschino cherries lying around? Toss those in too! Pour into ice pop molds and freeze.

Kid Faves - Apples and Grape Juice!

This is an easy recipe and a great way to serve your kids a healthy snack. And what kid doesn't like applesauce and grape juice?! Just mix one cup of frozen grape juice concentrate with 3 cups of applesauce. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Note: different types of applesauce freeze differently. You may have to simmer the applesauce for a few minutes to reduce some of the liquid out of it. - 17268

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