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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Acai Berry Diet as Seen on Oprah: Acai, Oprah, and the Truth

By Travis Van Slooten

For many companies trying to make easy money on the internet, having acai berry featured on the Oprah show paved the way for an implied acai - Oprah connection. With alleged endorsements such as this, it would then be easy for them to make unwitting consumers believe that their brand of supplements is the best. Worse, some even go as far as saying that their supplements are already a part of Oprah's weight loss diet.

What They're Saying

There are many different false claims being made by scammers. The most prominent also seems like the most harmless. They simply say that Oprah endorses their product and all of their claims. Many of these companies will make outrageous claims, stating that their acai supplement will help you drop 20 or 30 pounds. They may claim that it works as a libido enhancer as well. Both of these claims are completely unfounded and not based on scientific evidence. They are also never backed by Oprah, not matter how vehemently the company claims they are.

What Oprah Did Say

Oprah is simply amazed at the acai berry's nutritional value and great potential, but that's the extent of what she has to say about it. No endorsement of any brand of supplements was made. Nor was there even a mention of acai berry as a weight loss product. Any company touting these as factual statements apparently has no qualms of spreading lies and should be avoided at all costs. Oprah's lawyers are now going after these unscrupulous companies and are bent on making these people liable for such fallacious statements.

Why All the Lies?

You have to understand the amount of power Oprah has over consumers. The products that she does endorse on her show often experience a huge boom immediately after her support is shown. Some businesses can't even keep up with the amount of requests they get after Oprah endorses them. For a scam company with a junk product, this presents an amazing opportunity to essentially rob people of their money. They may pay only pennies to produce their product by skipping proper manufacturing processes, then they sell it to you for a competitive price. Even if their scam only lasts a few months before it is shut down, they stand to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

You must avoid any company claiming that Oprah or any other celebrity backs their product. Companies claiming ridiculous weight loss or other benefits that sound too good to be true are likely scams as well. The acai berry is a super fruit, but not a miracle fruit. Although she does not argue the potential of acai, Oprah does not officially endorse any acai berry diet programs. - 17268

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