Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Can Colon Cleansing Help You Lose Weight?

By Jean Johnson

As you gain weight you may find yourself asking whether a colon cleanse would be would help you lose weight. It definitely can help you lose weight. You may lose a few pounds during the cleanse itself. Also, depending on the colon cleansing product that you choose and how long you are on it, you can lose up to 10lbs. However, many people have reported that they have continued to lose weight long after the cleanse, simply because their colon is clean and healthy.

The goal of colon cleansing is to get rid of harmful toxins, bacteria and parasites that have accumulated in your digestive system and remove pounds of waste still sitting in your system. It also improves your overall digestive health and leaves your system functioning smoothly. Many people who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight have found that colon cleansing was the key to getting rid of the extra weight. By eating a healthy, nutritious diet and having a colon that is working correctly, extra pounds can easily be gotten rid of.

To achieve the best results possible you will need to make some changes in your diet. You will need to eat more of the good foods such as raw fruits and vegetables. You will also need to avoid as much as possible the bad foods such as the empty calories in junk food. All processed carbohydrates and other processed foods should be avoided as well. This may not be easy at first but after you have become accustomed to the changes you will be happy you did and your colon will thank you as well.

At the end of your colon cleanse, there should be a noticeable improvement in your energy level and your digestive system should be working optimally. However, it must be stated that returning to old unhealthy eating habits will not yield good results. Maintaining a diet consisting abundantly of fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry will keep you going strong with your weight loss. Remember also, to add healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and olives. Consistency is essential to weight loss. An occasional treat may be added here and there (as long as its occasional and not habitual) and still continue to enjoy the good effects of your colon cleanse.

All in all balance will be needed in order to maintain colon health and a healthy weight. A healthy diet is important but we must be careful not to go to extremes. Allowances must be made for spontaneity and variety. Physical activity must also enter into the equation because colon health will be difficult to maintain without it. Also, an increase in the amount of water taken in on a daily basis would be helpful. Putting it all together, a healthy colon will be achieved through a consistent and balanced lifestyle. - 17268

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