Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is Cutting Out Dietary Fat A Good Way To Reduce Fat Arms?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In your journey to get rid of fat arms you've probably come across a couple different types of diets. Perhaps figuring out which diet to follow created a little confusion.

You see, with all the different choices floating around, how did you know which one to choose? Now don't worry, I had to go through the same thing.

But to further complicate things, all the different marketing schemes can create a giant minefield of lies and confusion. After all, it's the marketing department's job to make their diet seem like the best thing since sliced bread.

Thus, today I will provide an analysis of low fat diets for getting lean arms.

The good:

1. Easy to do: Cutting out fat isn't rocket science.

Here are the cons:

1. A metabolic drop: A lack of dietary fat will have your cellular machinery working at a crawl. You need fat in order to burn fat.

2. No more crossword puzzles: Cells in your brain need fat in order to communicate with speed. They also need fat in order to grow.

3. More sickness: This one is huge because once you get sick, your sexy arm mission will be delayed a lot. Again, your body needs fat to maintain a properly functioning immune system.

4. Carbohydrates towards arm fat: This happens via an increase in insulin resistance. Once insulin resistant, your body will send more calories towards arm fat.

5. Hunger swings: Fat plays a critical role in slowing down digestion. So if you eliminate it, hunger and digestion will go for a roller coaster ride. No joke!

The truth is that low-fat dieting is not good for getting arm tone. Instead, make sure you get plenty of fat in your diet. It simply has too much of a beneficial effect on your body. Good luck! - 17268

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