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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Overcoming Chronic Problems of Digestion With A New Approach To A Healthy Colon

By Bruce Alexander

There are many ways to treat constipation. Some involve taking over the counter laxatives, while other require a more advanced form of treatment such as colon hydrotherapy which is a procedure done by a trained medical profession. The most common for of medical treatments are enemas and purgatives.

In more recent times, people are resorting to colon cleansing programs to aid in the process. While there are plenty of benefits to flushing your colon, you should always keep safety first. The process of cleaning your colon is considered safe and the more informed you are, the more confidence you will have in the process.

The best colonic cleansers are always all natural or herbal. They are not only safe, but they also aid the body in maintaining a natural microflora level which good for healthy intestines. Natural products are not only your best choice; they also eliminate the need to put more chemicals in the body.

Even though more primitive societies have been using the power of nature to keep their intestines clean, herbal cleaners are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore are not mandated. For this reason, you have to do your research before you decide on the use of a particular product. The FDA does not supervise the use of herbal products.

Here is a good tip: Only purchase herbal products that bare the GMP seal of authenticity. Products are only permitted to carry this seal if they are certifiably organic.

It is important to keep your body hydrated when you are going through a cleansing and detox program. You can dehydrate very quickly because the body releases a lot of fluids during the process. Drinking plenty of water and fruit drinks such orange or grape juice will help immensely.

The body tends to loose a lot of essentially vitamins and minerals when you are detoxifying the colon. Minerals and vitamins such as potassium, phosphorous, sodium and magnesium are very important to keeping your body healthy. Since a percentage of these are lost while detoxifying, you will have to replenish them.

Pregnant women and those who are nursing should stay away from intestinal colon cleansing. There are too many things that can potentially go wrong. The last thing you want is to loose a lot of essential body fluids when you are pregnant or to deplete yourself of essential nutrients while you are nursing.

Colon cleansing is not recommended for kids and should never be use on children. If you feel inclined to do so, see a doctor first and get his or her medical advice. They may be able to prescribe a more gentle form of laxative that is more age appropriate.

People suffering with allergies to exercise caution too. Many herbal products may contain allergens that you are sensitive to. The last thing you want is to have a severe reaction, especially since some allergies can be severely fatal. Read the ingredients of the package before taking any herbs you are unsure of. Herbal products are only safe to take when you practice diligence and prudence about your safety. - 17268

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