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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Understanding Cold Sores and Genital Herpes

By Cristina Rosch

Aside from the exaggerations they usually get, many also mistake cold sores for genital herpes and vice versa. In fact, these are different ailments although they are both strands of the herpes virus. Those afflicted with either strain may think that paying the doctor a visit is not needed. However, absence of basic knowledge of both diseases can result into ineffective treatment. Worse, treating both as the same can result into consequences that are more adverse.

Oral herpes, which is more commonly called as cold sores, is disease brought about by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Because of its visible indications in the face, cold sores are also called as fever blisters by some people. This can be passed on to a partner if its virus carrier commits oral sex. Persons who have sex regularly are not the only ones that face the risk though. It is said that more than ninety percent of any countrys population have caught it at least once.

Cold sores can be transmitted easily and unknowingly since it does not have visible indications sometimes. The viral spread can be avoided or diminished if the infected person abstains from sexual activities for period of time or from non-sexual close contacts. Parents who have caught it may need to keep distance from their kids, especially the younger and frailer ones.

While cold sores can be spread through non-sexual contacts, genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted infection. The herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), another herpes strain, is its main culprit. You might have one if you experience itchy and tingling sensations in the genital area. If you perform oral, vaginal, or anal sex, then you could easily spread the virus to your partner. With the indications barely felt or seen sometimes, you may still be passing the virus to your sexual partner unwittingly.

If your immune system is at ebb, it is most likely that you will catch the disease when you encounter someone afflicted with it. You must, therefore, make sure that your bodys defenses are working well. You can strengthen yourself with the correct diet, enough rest and exercise. However, if you still get the virus, make sure that you desist from sexual activities for a period.

People have wrongly thought that only those who are very sexually liberated commonly suffer herpes. Certainly, though, herpes is not limited to the sexually active. Anyone can get it. It is just that right measures should be taken to avoid a rifer contagion. Isn't it good to know more about cold sore blister ? - 17268

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