Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 6, 2009

5 Awful Types Of Protein To Stay Away From When Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Protein is essential for any effective arm toning program. It plays so many important roles in the female body that close attention has to be given to its management. After all, a lack of protein quality and quantity will set back your sexy arm mission by leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately, not all sources of protein are beneficial.

In fact, there are certain kinds of protein that can seriously damage your health over the long run. So here are 5 terrible sources of protein for flabby arms that you should stay away from like the plague:

1. Farmed salmon. The research is clear here: farmed salmon has significant amounts of toxins and carcinogens. Although more expensive, you should stick to wild salmon for long-term health.

2. Protein that has been deep fried. Not only is the fat on the protein bad for you, but so are the fumes. In fact, inhaling fumes while frying meat increases rates of lung cancer.

3. Blackened protein. Cooking something till the point that it's blackened may taste good, but it's very very bad for you. Consistent research has shown that blackening meats increases cancer rates. So lightly cook or steam your food, but don't overdo it.

4. Red meat with high fat content. Red meat has a bad reputation. But it's not the red meat that's bad for you, it's the saturated fat within the red meat that causes the damage. If possible, stick to grass fed sources of meat. They will be higher in omega-3 fats and lower in saturated fat.

5. Thin-sliced deli cuts. The convenience of deli cut meats is cancelled out by nitrates. What do nitrates do? Increase rates of colon cancer. Not good. So stick with natural sources of protein and avoid highly processed protein like deli cuts.

Toning flabby arms should not include risks to your health. So make sure you stick to clean and natural sources of protein. And by avoiding the above types of protein you'll be much more healthier during your sexy arm journey. - 17268

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