Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Best Abs Exercises

By James Statham

Are you looking for some abs exercises that actually give yout the results you want? Well in this article, I will be revealing to you exactly what exercises have been proven to work, and what exercises have been over-hyped and are massively ineffective. Not only this, but I will be telling you on what foods you need to be avoiding if you want to get ripped, and what foods that you need to be eating. So what exercises should you avoid?

Now I'm sure you've come across many of the traditional abs exercises, that people like to think are the best way to get ripped. Well I've got news for you, they suck! People seem to think that because you're specifically targeting your abs, you'll see quick results in that area. The two things you need to do, to get a visible six pack, is raise your metabolism and lower body fat levels. Crunches are not a good exercise, because they do neither of these two things. Now I'm going to tell you the exercises you should be doing.

The best abs exercises are very intense, because they all involve several muscle groups. You should be using free weights only, rather than machines. The reason for this is simple, machines help do some of the lifting for you, whereas free weights make you do all the work, thus exercising more muscles. If you perform the correct exercises with high intensity, you'll start to see your metabolism rise like never before!

One of my favourite abs exercises is called the renegade dumbbell row. What you need is two dumbbells, get into the press up position, with your palms resting on the dumbbells, and begin to raise one dumbbell out to the side, whilst resting on the other. This is a very effective exercise, because it targets your whole upper body, meaning more muscles are working, which means for fat burn!

So now you know the basics of some good abs exercises, you need to know that you can't get a six pack unless you improve your diet. What you eat is probably the most vital factor in getting ripped. So, if you're serious about reaching your goals, you need to eliminate the rubbish foods from your diet. Replace the rubbish foods with high protein meals. Protein is essential in building muscle, and will make your muscles bigger and stronger!

Now dedication is key here. As long as you can stay on track, and not slack off with your routine, then you will get a six pack. Anyone can get a six pack if armed with the right knowledge, and now you've read this article, you have got some of that knowledge! - 17268

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