Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Best Stomach Exercises

By James Statham

This is the place where you'll find out the stomach exercises, specifically designed to burn away belly fat like never before. In this article, I'm going to show you why traditional abs exercises are completely useless for getting rid of belly fat, and will show you what exercises will bring you cut abs quick!

So what stomach exercises are a waste of time? Well, you'll probably have heard them before, and you may still be performing them, to no avail! Crunches, sit ups and leg lift are what many people believe will get you lean and ripped in no time. I've got news for you, this isn't going to happen anytime soon! In order to get ripped, what you need to do is burn fat, by high intense exercising and by raising your metabolism. Traditional exercises like these will do nothing to help you raise your metabolism, and don't burn much fat at all!

Well then which stomach exercises should you be performing? Good question! Basically, the best abs workouts, aren't abs workouts! I used to perform endless sets of crunches and leg lifts, sometimes two or three times a day, because I was always told by so called experts, that this was how to get ripped. However, after months and months with next to no results, I finally found out what exactly targets your abs and burns fat insanely! The exercises that work best are what's known as compound exercises.

What exactly are compound exercises? Well, a compound exercise, uses free weights, and involves several different muscle groups. People seem to think that if you target specific muscles only, that you'll burn lots of body fat from that area, although this isn't true. When you exercise, your body burns fat, in equal amounts, from all over your body. Squats are compound exercises, that work out your legs and well as your shoulders. So what do you think is more intense, a crunch of a squat? Squats of course! Compound exercises are great stomach exercises, so make sure you have them in your routine.

You can't think that just because you know some of the best stomach exercises, that you'll instantly get a six pack. What you need to understand is that your diet is the single most important factor in you getting cut abs. However, what you should stay away from is the low carb diet. This gets lots of praise, from some quarters, because less carbs means less calories your body has to burn. However, a low carb diet can have the opposite effect that you desire! Less carbs will force your body to produce more sugar, which could add to the layer of fat you currently have.

Keep your workouts below 75 mins. If you are going longer than this, then your workouts sessions are not intense enough. You need to blast your muscles, and get out of the gym quick! - 17268

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