Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, September 25, 2009

Some Quick, Tried and Tested Bodybuilding Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

There is advice floating around both on and offline about how to build muscle fast. As a personal trainer myself here are a few little known facts, building muscle tips and secrets that I personally consider worth your while contemplating on your quest to build muscle mass:

I often overhear people saying that you should train each muscle group once a week only. While this may give good results for intense bodybuilders, this is not true for many people.

Certainly, you should stay away from overtraining your body, but like most things, if you do not practice, you cannot expect to improve. The same can be said to a certain extent about bodybuilding too.

Muscle groups should be trained no less than twice per week. In fact ideally you should push your body through periods of near overtraining an then drop off into periods of undertraining. This provides times when there is a lot of stress for the body to handle and other times when the body has more time to recover and build momentum for another push. Hitting training plateaus can be avoided by doing this.

Keep your workout program to no more than 45 minutes long. If you feel that time is too short, then your exercise program might be too long, or you are not working out deeply enough. 45 minutes is an adequate period if you focus on intensity and keep away from distractions.

If your workouts last longer then this then testosterone levels drop dramatically due to the increased production of cortisol which actually causes the body to eat muscle tissue and store fat. precisely the reverse of what we need.

You need to set cycles for your training, meaning that after sometime your muscle will not be urged into growing by the same regimens because the body will have become accustomed to the workout and can handle it already. Change up your regimen before your gains begin to lessen.

Additionally, you should try not to change your workout program too frequently either. Doing this can confuse your body?s muscles and it will stop progressing into a nice groove.

Significant gains will most likely not happen for you if you do not do the proper exercises. The traditional time proven muscle building exercises are the multi-joint exercises that are called compound exercises.

The best ones are: dead lifts, bench presses, rows, squats, pull ups, shoulder presses plus any exercise that moves your entire body through air ie, not just moving individual limbs. If you use these exercises, with a few of their variations and correct muscle building nutrition then you can?t help but stimulate muscle mass growth.

With the above recommendations in mind and allied to correct muscle building nutrition it is time for you to go get huge. - 17268

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