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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bodybuilding Tips, How To Build Muscle Mass at Home

By Ricardo d Argence

Do I need to go to join a gym in order to workout and build muscle? That's a common question often asked. Without a doubt the response is a NO. Of course there are disadvantages and advantages of working out both in a gym and at home. You can easily build muscle home.

Training in a normal fitness centre will give you access to more equipment, professional advice and will likely be safer. However training in a gym can be annoying sometimes if you have to wait for a particular piece of equipment or the other gym users are sat around gossipping and not really interested in getting big.

If you work out at home, you don't have to share equipment or visit with other gym users you don't want to talk to. You don't have to travel or park, there are no fees, and you can listen to whatever you want during your workout. In addition, you can take your shirt off and make all the noise you want when you workout without drawing any stares.

The biggest drawback to a home gym is that you have to buy all the equipment, and that can be pricey. (Although you may be able to resell it in the future if necessary.) The other downside is that other people who live with you may not appreciate all the space it requires.

There's no doubt working out in your own home gym is incredibly convenient. Here are some tips for setting up and working out in your home gym.

1) Find a suitably large space, such as a garage, basement or spare room. You should always have a solid ground floor which means that a ground floor is a much safer option. A bonus would be a well ventilated area. Fully water proof your garage, this will stop them your weights from rusting and becoming damaged.

2) Empty the room out except for your equipment. You don't want to have anything in your home gym that could be damaged by swinging or dropped equipment-like a fish tank, plasma tv, or laptop. It might be amusing to see these things get damaged by someone else's barbells, but it's not all that funny when it's yours.

3) Purchase these pieces of equipment: a normal weights bench, squat stand, a workout mat, a pull up bar and a set of cast iron barbells and dumbells. There is a wide array of home gym equipment around by ensure that you purchase a strong and durable item as it will take an amazing amount of pressure over its lifetime!

4) Create a workout for yourself. Using the equipment you've purchased, design a workout to build your muscles. Do compound exercises that combine squats, pull ups, bench presses, and dead lifts with sets of upright rows, lunges, barbell curls, shoulder presses, bent over rows, and lateral raises, among other exercises.

5) Be safety conscious. You may well be working out on your own, so don't go for any one rep maximums without supervision, save it for when a friend comes to spot you. Fasten tightly weight discs to the barbell. Some weight benches allow you to put a pin in at the bottom of your lift, when the barbell is just above your chest, do this as if you can't press it back up then you can rest it on the pins, do the same on the squat stand too.

A home gym is a great way to go, and you can build a lot of muscle working out right at home. Use these tips to get started today. - 17268

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