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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 4 - The Second Change You Should Consider for Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are considering how you are going to prevent easy bruising, you have already learned that you should avoid eating highly processed foods and those foods that have high fat and sugar content, but do you really know what foods you should be eating? When easy bruising is caused by aging and the breakdown of your skin elasticity and your capillary walls become thinner, you should know that your easy bruising can be overcome by exercising good habits, and one of the most beneficial habits that you can develop is proper eating.

The first thing that you need to think about when you want to change your diet to prevent bruising easily is to look into foods that will nourish your body and that will not raise your blood pressure. Keeping in mind that high blood pressure is something that many people deal with and are unaware of, take a good look at the foods that you eat. Lowering your sodium intake is going to be quite important.

If you want to help prevent bruising by modifying your diet, you should consider the impact that cooking more at home may have. Many people get blindsided about how high their blood pressure level is because they eat out frequently and are not aware how the food that they order is prepared. The amounts of salt and fat that goes into a lot of restaurant food could well surprise you.

In order to make the necessary diet modifications, examine your protein intake first. If you are going to make diet changes to help increase your body's capability to prevent bruising, you are probably going to discover that you need more lean protein added to your diet, rather than having to reduce protein quantities. Sticking to very lean cuts of pork and beef, while increasing your poultry intake, is probably going to give you your best results.

Eggs are an excellent way to increase protein in your diet, but you must consider how this can affect your cholesterol levels. Medical research has proved that the type of cholesterol that is absorbed into your system from eggs, can actually be beneficial to your body's healing processes when taken in moderation.

An ideal way to help prevent easy bruising is to increase the amount of vegetables contained in your diet. The increase of nutrients that the body absorbs from higher levels of vegetables in the diet will help the body heal itself faster, and it can also help you to decrease your sodium intake. Do not use too much fat or salt when preparing your vegetables, and consider eating vegetables raw as an excellent way to improve your healthy lifestyle.

When you are determining which vegetables that you are going to cook, keep in mind that the best vegetables are those with somewhat bright colors. For example, while white potatoes may be fine in moderation, they are essentially just a starch with little nutritional benefit. On the other hand, if you replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes, you now have a great source of beta carotene and fiber.

Take a moment and think about your diet. Cutting all fatty meats out of your diet and including more vegetables can go a long way towards giving you the results to overcome easy bruising that you want to see. You should also consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to help overcome your easy bruising and help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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