Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Low-Fat Diet, Anyone?

By Jesse Regan

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of means that can be employed by anyone who wishes to have a leaner and healthier body. A commonly used method is that of working out. This may not do well for those who are too shy to mingle with other fitness buffs or who have no time to spare for the gym. Another method is the use of diet pills. This can give good results but one can also run the risk of harmful side effects. A low-fat diet can be a better option.

Dieting does not mean that one should prevent himself from eating three meals a day. It is by no means similar to fasting. Studies have shown that those did try to avoid a meal only ate more in the next meals, recovering more than the food they actually missed. Dieting does not put on the breaks on someones appetites. It does put on restrictions on some particular food that may increase weight.

You may just want to try a low-fat diet. It leaves you to eat your normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner but it prevents you from stuffs that are high in cholesterol. You may balk at the fact that these include your favorites are either sweet and creamy or spicy and oily. There are fats that could be good for you though. It is just the saturated fats usually coming from meats and oils originating from animals that are harmful to your body.

Those particular foods that you should avoid are eggs, processed or fresh beef and pork, and dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream. These have been known killers in the heart disease department if taken without a tinge of control. If you love these foods, it is time to let go of them during your low-fat diet.

On the other hand, those that should be avoided are dairy foods, egg yolks, processed meats, red meats, butter and cheese. These foods contain too much unsaturated fats and cholesterol that lead to meteoric weight increase if eaten liberally. Along with sugar, these are the main culprits for obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Taking a low-fat diet may be quite difficult for starters, especially if they have been used to so much fatty food. It will indeed take some amount of discipline. One can, however, take some steps to avoid the temptations like clearing the kitchen cupboard and fridge of the fatty stuff. A new grocery list of low-fat food should be made instead. After a weeks time, a low-fat diet can become a habit.

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