Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Eating Habits and Tooth Color

By Shaun P. Reily

If you drink a lot of carbonated beverages or coffee, or are a smoker, you've probably seen a decline in the condition of your teeth over the years. Particularly a loss of their original radiance.

Luckily there are many natural and procedural solutions available to allow you to repair the damage done and regain your naturally white teeth.

The first step which almost goes without saying is that you need to cut back on the substances that have stained your teeth to begin with. Begin the cleansing process by drinking plenty of water to get the saliva flowing. You will also want to avoid any other foods you may come across that are particularly acidic such as tomatoes or strawberries.

Drinking milk will give your teeth their needed calcium, making them strong and healthy. Regularly brush your teeth with fluoride strengthened toothpaste after each meal to remove plaque build-up and prevent tartar problems. Eat lots of fruits that contain vitamin C, such as oranges and other citrus treats. Vitamin C is a natural bleaching agent.

Finally it is very important that you floss daily. Surprisingly very few people ever make flossing a daily habit, but the results are well worth the effort and long lasting.

There are two ways in which a dentist will correct dull teeth. The use of composite resin bonding facilitates the removal of the outer particles of a tooth to be replaced with a smooth layer of whitened particles. The new layer of will be polished off to follow the initial shape of the tooth. With the use of microscopic grooves, the dentist will enable the new material to seamlessly bond with the old.

The other teeth whitening procedure would be veneer bonding. In this procedure, thin sheets of white porcelain will be implanted on top of the tooth to give it a whitened appearance. Though this procedure is considered most expensive, it can last up to five years, giving you enough time to charm everyone with your bright and celebrity-like smile.

Regardless of your choice of teeth whitening solution, your main goal should be improving your overall health with the diet changes discussed above. The dentist whitening options will provide immediate results, but your health will provide lasting ones.

Consider supplementing your diet with healthier snacks. Replace sweets with fresh fruit and junk food with fresh veggies and not only will you have a better smile, but your improved health will make you feel like smiling more often. - 17268

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