Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Food Intolerances

By Charlie Monaghan Carter

If you are among the ever-growing percentage of the worlds population that suffer from food intolerances, then you will be face with the task of restricting your diet.

If you have a fairly common allergy or intolerance such as dairy or gluten, then finding foods that are dairy or gluten free isnt too difficult, its when the intolerances get more intricate and uncommon that they become a problem. Also, another big problem for people with food intolerances is eating out at a restaurant for example. A lot of the time, chefs will not understand the implications of a given food on a person with intolerances.

A well-intentioned chef may sometimes put a little flour into a sauce to thicken it up, believing that such a small amount will not trigger the intolerance. If the person does not seize up and start choking there and then, they believe all is well and the trace of flour went unnoticed. However it is not until the food is digested that the intolerance takes effect around an hour after its consumed, and then the effects can last for several days.

This makes eating out very difficult for people with food intolerances and its not always easy or possible to give a chef a list of foods to avoid putting into your meal, and you will notice that eating out starts to become something of a gamble and the more foods you are intolerant to, the higher risk the gamble becomes as its more likely that you will eat something that will upset you. Sooner or later, people may realise that its hard to find good food that doesnt contain any of the common foodstuffs people are intolerant to, so dont be surprised if the amount of dinner invitations drop as people tire of trying to accommodate you.

It is very important that you avoid all foods that you have developed an intolerance to. This is to allow your body a chance to recover from the trauma of dealing with the food stuffs. It is tiring for your organs to process these foods so the fewer you present to it the better for you. Sometimes as you change your diet away from the foods that upset you to newer foods, you will find that due to you eating more of the new foods that you then develop an intolerance to those foods too.

This can and does happen so its important to keep track of what you eat and try to eat as many different foods as possible. Most of the time that thought doesnt appeal to people with intolerances because the wider range of foods they eat, the more likely they are to eat something that upsets them, however if you choose a few foods that you are ok with, and stick to them, you could end up intolerant to them as well, so maintaining a wide diet is important. - 17268

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