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Sunday, September 6, 2009

How the South Beach Diet Work?

By Jesse Regan

A brief explanation on the South Beach diet will make the impression that it is not effective. The kinds of food and the schedule of eating allowed will give the impression that it is not a diet plan at all. In fact, anyone who wishes to lose weight would want it more than any other scheme. The South Beach diet is one that produces great results but does not put a heavy toll on the dieter. It does not abruptly deprive someone of his cravings but it could still give him the weight-loss desired in a gradual and painless manner.

With a South Beach diet, you do not ever go hungry but you do have to keep away from food loaded with starch and sugar. You can still eat anything else without them though. It is because carbohydrates from starch make the blood sugar to shoot up. Then it falls just as quick to make you terribly weak and starving. You can just eat more than you should and gain more weight in the process.

With 3 phases to undergo, a person on a South Beach diet will not have to miss a single meal at all. He actually trains his appetite to cease craving for those with high carbohydrate and fat content. In the process, he learns the habit of eating only those that are fit for a healthy and lean body. With fewer cravings and with a low carbohydrate diet, the body burns fat faster. This is how the South Beach diet works almost effortlessly for the dieter.

You will fall in love with a South Beach diet at first sight. The initial phase allows you to continue eating three main meals a day for fourteen days. You can even take your regular snacks if you want to. You just have to make sure that not anything with starch like pastries and rice are part of the menu. Unconsciously, you are training yourself to carbohydrate-less meals. However, you are also not permitted to drink anything with alcohol.

The second phase is even kinder to your whims. At this stage, you are allowed to try a little of bread, cakes, and even chocolate and wine. You would, however, only find out that you no longer have the usual taste for these kinds of food after the two weeks of the first phase. While experiencing a significant weight loss, you will be amazed at the eating habits will have, one that is no longer craving for carbohydrates and sweets.

The third phase is actually the beginning of a healthy and fitness-conscious life. Unlike the first two phases, this one has no timeframe. By this time, he has already the desired weight as a result. The dieter would actually no longer effort of limiting food since it has become his lifestyle. With eating habits totally transformed, he is assured of a healthy body for the rest of his life. You just heard one great example of valuable information about healthy diet respites . - 17268

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